Attention licence pilots, keep your IF current in an approved aviation authority modern airliner simulator .
Basic currency
- IMC single/dual pilot currency.
- 2D RNAV VOR NDB Approaches.
- 3D ILS GBAS GNSS Approaches.
- SID and STAR.
Are advantages for you compared to using other synthetic devices on the market
- You will gain relevant experience and new skills for future airline employers.
- With new skills and relevant airline experience gained, you will be more employable.
- Tailor your stick time. Fly multi-crew with our experienced airline instructors, or single pilot.
- Try something new or just a refresh. E.g. EGPWS, TCAS, wind-shear escape, mach tuck, aileron reversal, coffin corner, stalling, emergency descent, fires/smoke, engine failures, V1 cuts, rejected takeoff and many more abnormals.
- Experience jet handling, hydraulic powered flight controls, learn how to handle inertia and ‘flying the aircraft by the pitch’.
- Great price and value.
Call Blake for enquires 0459747747
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